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And Get Involved

Pick the best way for you to get involved in the fight against antisemitism in schools.

Here’s How You Can Help

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Be pro-active, make a difference!​

Report any incident on or directly to IAC regional office in your area.​


Educate yourself by joining our webinars and in person events and raise awareness of antisemitism and national origin discrimination in your community. ​


If you are a high schooler - join your local ACT Teen Ambassadorship program. ​


If you are a parent - build a Parent Group for your local school \ district and create relationships with relevant Board of Education representatives. 


Join your  local school/district DEI & curriculum committees. ​

For more information or to join our local teen and parent groups contact us:

Upcoming Events

אנטישמיות  לא בבית ספרנו!

מפגש למידה והסברה על דרכי התמודדות ופעולה אל מול מקרי אנטישמיות במערכת בתי הספר

School Watch Info Session - English

Info session dedicated to the fight against antisemitism within the public school system.

11.01.2022, 06:30 PM PDT

11.03.2023, 07:00 PM PDT

Educators Training

Finding Your Voice - Teens

Learning how to deal recognize antisemitism in the classroom and how to deal with it as an educator. perspective

Learn how to fight antisemitism in your high school!

11.9.2022, 03:00 PM

12.19.2022, 02:00 PM

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is my information confidential?

 A: We value your trust in sharing yours and your child's experience with us an assure you that all personal information is kept confidential and may not be used without written consent.

Q: What possible antisemitism/anti-Israel bias can my child face?

A: While there is absolutely no shortage of outright Jew hatred in the country, the vast majority of the antisemitism seen in schools will be more nuanced and at times, harder to identify. It may come through the usage of one sided and biased textbooks, discriminatory educational materials, or problematic lessons from individual teachers. Often times, modern day antisemitism is masquerading as a more acceptable form of discrimination: anti-Zionism. Anti-Zionism is itself very clearly antisemitism as it denies the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in their ancestral homeland. Freedom of speech is of paramount importance and every citizen in the United States and Israel remains free to criticize policies and actions of the Israeli (and American) government. Such rhetoric is not necessarily anti-Zionism or antisemitism. A helpful guideline to identify when anti-Israel sentiment crosses the line is by examining the three Ds. Is a double standard imposed on Israel? Is the country, or are the people, of Israel demonized? Does the content aim to delegitimize the Jewish state’s right to exist? If your answer to any of these questions is “yes”, it should be classified as antisemitism. If you experience an incident that you feel could be categorized as such, do not hesitate to report it to School Watch. There is no such thing as insignificant or inconsequential antisemitism.


Q: Can teachers teach about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and promote BDS in the classroom?


A: Teachers usually have a lot of flexibility on what they can teach, including controversial topics. However, teachers must prioritize a safe environment for all students, free of bias or discrimination, regardless of race, religion, national origin, or any other protected class. If teachers do choose to discuss this topic, there should be input from school administrators, school boards, and parents, to ensure education materials are factually accurate and free of biases that would incline students towards one particular narrative. If your child brings home reading material that feels one-sided, do not feel that you need to address the issue with the teacher alone. We are here to help in such cases and look forward to doing so.



Q: What if I want an issue to be addressed but would rather remain anonymous as to not harm my child’s reputation with the school, teachers, or peers?


A: We understand that sometimes it can put a family in an uncomfortable position with the school to draw attention to a sensitive issue like antisemitism. It is important though, that the issue is not left unresolved and that the school responds appropriately and does not condone discrimination through a lack of action. We have vast experience in approaching schools on behalf of community members, without using any specific names, to ensure the situation receives the proper attention and action to correct the issue.



Q: What if I would rather handle the situation myself, without School Watch getting involved?


A: That’s great! We are happy that you are eager to address the situation and feel that you have a relationship with the school which allows you to do so. We have materials and tools for parents and students on how to approach school leaders, ideas on productive solutions, and step by step guidelines on how to reach a positive outcome. We encourage you to use these tools and any other guidance from the IAC to achieve the desired result. If you are looking for more direct intervention, click on report an incident, and we will reach out to you in short order.


Q: I ’don’t think the situation me/my child experienced was that bad. Can I just let it go and not approach the school about it? I would rather not make it a big deal.


A: We do not recommend letting things go. Unfortunately, these situations tend to take on a snowball effect. If they are not addressed from the start, they continue to worsen. It is important to set the tone with the schools, teachers, and administrators, for what behavior should and should not be tolerated. Thankfully, schools are oftentimes unaware of bullying or problematic content and are eager and willing to work with the community to understand the issue and solve it.



Q: What if the school is being unresponsive and is not willing to help or fix the situation?


A: Unfortunately, this situation does occur, which is why it helps to have a community-backed organization, like IAC, behind you when approaching the school. If the teacher and/or school administration is unhelpful or unwilling to respond to an incidence of antisemitism, the issue can and should be taken to the school board and district leaders. The IAC has experience working with school boards and districts and can help you receive the desired outcome at a higher level.

For more information contact us:

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